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Forum: Kystlivredning i Danmark
I dette forum kan du stille spørgsmål og/eller debattere den Kystlivredning, der foregår ved Danmark's badestrande
Emne: JKLccyLgeXHVJFnpoEG
Navn: Betty
Dato: 04-04-2013  09:48
, had they been? What would a web designed by the World Intellectual Property Organisation or the Disney Corporation have loekod like? It would have loekod more like pay-television, or Minitel, the French computer network. Beforehand, the logic of control always makes sense. Allow anyone to connect to the network? Anyone to decide what content to put up? That is a recipe for piracy and pornography. Και κλείνει με το εξής σοφό:The lawyers have learnt their lesson now. The regulation of technological development proceeds apace. When the next disruptive communications technology the next worldwide web is thought up, the lawyers and the logic of control will be much more evident. That is not a happy thought.


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